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Adam Macys and Michel Doyal will have a bitter conversation.  It’s a sharp comment from the previous bird

Adam Macys and Michel Doyal will have a bitter conversation. It’s a sharp comment from the previous bird

Michel Doyal and Adam Meais
Author: CyfraSport / Instagram by Adam Małysz
Michel Doyal and Adam Meais

Polish jumpers are slowly preparing for the Four Hills Championship. Biało-Reds offers no reason to be happy for fans who have been disappointed with the form of Michał Doleżal’s players in subsequent competitions. The bitter comments come from the director of the Polish Ski Association and the famous skateboarder Adam Małysz to the whole team. In an interview with, Michel Doyal responded to the harsh statement.

The atmosphere in the Polish players’ team is not colorful. The situation is serious considering that the 4-Hills-Tournament is fast approaching. Our players don’t like their looks and they are far from optimal. More and more people are questioning whether it is possible to earn a disk in Beijing. The answer will certainly come in the coming weeks. There is less and less color around the representation. Adam Macys and coach Michel Doyal mentioned a sharp media exchange. The tension escalates with each passing day!

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Malish and Doyal before the bitter talk?!

Adam Małysz spared no bitter words about the Polish national team ski jumping. Another lightning strike falls on Mikhail Dolyal, who is looking for a solution to the staff problem. – After Wednesday’s training I won’t be taking anyone to the 4-Hills-Tournament from the other guys – Adam Małysz told Robert Mazuric. The coach may not like these words.

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Check out what Michel Dolyal answered on Małysz. A bitter conversation awaits the PZN manager and skateboarder coach?

Michel Doyal tried to break off the topic of Małysz’s lyrics as quickly as possible. – I don’t read these reports. I don’t want to be nervous, but something has come to me. However, I will not comment or enter into it. Sure, when I meet Adam, we’ll talk – the jumpers coach immediately admitted. Surely such comments may not appeal to the chosen one, especially since they appear more and more often in public!

World Cup: General Ranking

Karl Geiger is the overall leader with 594 points. Ryoyo Kobayashi scored 496 points and Halvor Aigner Grandrod completed the podium. The best pole is Kamel Stoch who is currently 11th. Piotr Żyla (28th place) is also ranked in the top 30.


Should Michel Doyall continue to work with Polish jumpers?