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Additional support for biodiversity conservation in Latin America and …

Additional support for biodiversity conservation in Latin America and …

21.03.2021 – 10:00


Frankfurt am Main (ots)

- KfW stellt Fund weitere 88 Mio. EUR zur Verfügung
- Neue Wirtschaftspraktiken zum Erhalt der Artenvielfalt und zu nachhaltiger Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen in Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei und Öko-Tourismus
- Bisher mehr als 160.000 Hektar Fläche vor Entwaldung geschützt und 4 Mio. Kubikmeter Wasser eingespart 

On behalf of the Union Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (PMJet), KFW donated another 88 88 million to the Environmental Business Fund for Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. Supports economic practices that focus on green financial sustainability. Sends or directs loans through local banks to forestry and agricultural companies and cooperatives in Latin America and Africa. 63 63 million has been allocated for projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 25 25 million for projects in sub-Saharan Africa. Financial responsibility for advising on finances.

Sustainable production methods in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and eco-tourism need to be funded – in particular, to avoid deforestation. For example, floriculture in Colombia, which uses less pesticides, or sustainable coffee cultivation under shady trees that store CO2 in Kenya are encouraged. Another example is pineapple cultivation in Costa Rica, which uses chemical-free buffer zones to protect natural water resources.

This fund is based on a concept of raising private capital and public funds.

Secretary of State for Parliament Norbert Bartle: “The eCommerce Trade Fund has proven itself to be a tool for achieving positive results in the most biologically diverse regions of the world. We firmly believe that municipalities, states, departments and investors must unite to achieve sustainable growth.

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“Nature protects our livelihoods and forms the basis of economic activity. Environmental trade finance plays an important role in mitigating the pressures on nature, preventing the effects of intensive agriculture, and deforestation and uncontrolled fishing. To stop this trend, we need innovative economic practices that focus on sustainability rather than over-exploitation, ”said Dr. Gunder Brunick, CEO of KFW Bangkok Group.

Much has been achieved in Latin America since the fund was established in 2014: more than 160,000 hectares of land have been protected from deforestation, more than 4 million cubic meters of water have been saved, 117,000 hectares of land have been protected from degradation and 380,000 organic jobs have been protected. The combination of agriculture and forestry saved 8 million tons of CO2.

For more information, see:

Press Contact:

KfW, Palmengartenstr. 5 – 9, 60325 Frankfurt
Communication (COM), Dr. Saris Pathik
Phone. +49 (0) 69 7431 4683, Fax: +49 (0) 69 7431 3266,
Email: [email protected], Internet:

Original content: KfW, spread by news aktuell