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Aldi’s clothing hype continues – why does everyone want ‘Aldi Latvians’?  – News

Aldi’s clothing hype continues – why does everyone want ‘Aldi Latvians’? – News

Hanover (Lower Saxony) – Cult, cult – Aldi?

Discooter is currently selling jogging clothing from his fashion collection in a large white air dome – apparently setting a trend among young adults. Bild newspaper reported last week from Leipzig, where hundreds were queuing in front of the hall. Now the sales balloon has been set up in Hanover and customers have come in droves to purchase the “close look,” as the teens call it.

People queued for more than an hour to buy Aldi's limited edition

People queued for more than an hour to buy Aldi’s limited editionPhoto: © Flavio Treppner

It’s cold and looks a bit like rain. But this does not bother 100 to 150 people queuing in front of the “Airdome” for about an hour. This is what Aldi calls his sales room, where his fashion collection is presented with joggers. “This year the collection is connected to the theme of the general direction of space,” says Aldi Nord spokeswoman Verena Lisik of The New Press.

This is what it looks like inside the large white air dome: The light is dim, the little stars are shining on the ceiling of the round dome, the colored lights are creeping across the room over and over, the sounds of space echoing from the speakers. On the edge are models wearing the current collection: red sweaters (14.99 euros), T-shirts (7.99 euros), joggers (14.99 euros), socks (2.99 euros) and above all “Aldi Litten” (5.99 euros) in red and blue.

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In “Airdome” jogging clothes are presented by mannequins. Little stars and colorful lights shine on the roof of the round domePhoto: © Flavio Treppner

Aldi spokeswoman: “The collection, called Aldi Original, should also remind us of the pioneering spirit. As an opponent, Aldi is a pioneer. We want to convey to our customers: Be original, you are original.”

This appears to be working. Because Hanover is already the fourth city where young people queue to buy Aldi clothes. Before that, the goods were in Berlin, Hamburg and Leipzig. Sales start in Essen on Friday. Appointments are shared and appointments are marketed on social media.

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“Aldi-Letten” for 5.99 euros is a bestsellerPhoto: © Flavio Treppner

Why is the product so popular?

Students Corvin G. (16) and Konstantin S. (14) from Leipzig: “We are fans of the Aldi collection and buy clothes so we can wear them ourselves.”

Proper purchase of goods: Taliban Corvin G. (16) and Konstantin S. (14) from Leipzig

Proper purchase of goods: Taliban Corvin G. (16) and Konstantin S. (14) from LeipzigPhoto: © Flavio Treppner

Manuel Grace (20) from Braunschweig “Things are unique and at the same time ridiculous to have – it’s just nonsense,” New Press said.

Construction worker Chris C. (31) From Leipzig: I bought the red jacket for a construction site. I was actually still aiming for the clothes, but they’re only available in competition.”

Well dressed for work: construction worker Chris J.  (31) Leipzig happy with the new Aldi jacket

Well dressed for work: construction worker Chris J. (31) Leipzig happy with the new Aldi jacketPhoto: © Flavio Treppner

In fact, not the entire limited set is for sale. The blue and white “lock look” in a tie-dye pattern as well as red in general (“Boilersuit”, German: Kesselanzug) is only available in competition.

This also gives customers who can’t come to the “Airdome” – or who get nothing after standing in line for hours…

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