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An asteroid the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza just passed by Earth

An asteroid the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza just passed by Earth

NASA monitors these types of rocks to learn more about the early solar system and because if their orbits changed, the asteroid could pose a future danger to Earth.

One asteroid as long Great Pyramid of Gizaجيز Closer to Earth this Sunday (07.25.2021), according to the calculations NASA. baptized in the name of “2008 GO20”The near-Earth asteroid can measure up to about 200 metres.

According to estimates NASAThe orb had to pass in front of the earth quickly At a speed of 8.2 km per second NS About three or four million kilometers from our planet. This is roughly eight or nine times the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

Potentially dangerous asteroids

Asteroids near a land From Diameter more than 150 m And those that fly at a distance of less than 0.05 astronomical units or within 7.5 million kilometers are called potentially dangerous asteroids.

Since 2008 go 20 flew over a 0.02 to 0.03 au distance, as a potentially dangerous asteroid. One astronomical unit is About 150 million km, i.e. the distance between a land and the Sol.

Possible future collision with our planet

In the same way, According to NASA, 2008 GO20 is also ‘Potentially dangerous’ Because over time gravity pull Of the planets can change the orbital path of an object so that it crosses an orbit a land. If that happens, a future collision with our planet is possible.

However, arrivals of these types of asteroids are not entirely rare. according to him NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object StudiesOn July 21, six near-Earth objects are expected to pass at a distance of less than 0.05 international units.

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Many visitors

the NASA Watch these types of rocks both to learn more about the early solar system – asteroids are rocky fragments at the time – and because if their orbits changed, the asteroid could pose a future danger to our planet. a land, As mentioned Live Science.

last visit to 2008 go 20 It was on June 20, 2008, and is expected to happen again on July 25, 2034.