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Another actress said she has a girlfriend.  TVN hits Justina Vasilevska – This is the star of Super Express

Another actress said she has a girlfriend. TVN hits Justina Vasilevska – This is the star of Super Express

Justina Vasilevska
Author: WBF

What a flood Polish actresses are coming out of. This time, Justina Vasilevska, 37, known by the TV series “Absent”, told about a lesbian. – I love spending time with my girlfriend – The actress admitted in the magazine “Twój Styl”.

Winning actress at the Justina Vasilevska Theater. A former employee of the Jaraza Theater in Lodo, ​​she has been an actress at the DR Warsaw Theater since 2014. He has also acted successfully in movies and series. He is known by a wide audience for products such as “Father Matthews”, “Commissioner Alex”, “Life itself”, “Hotel 52”, “Good and Bad” or “Sauce Honor”. She also appeared in “Second Chance” or “The Art of Loving. The Story of Michelina Wisloka”.

Not much was known about his personal life until the last interview. It turns out that when she was a teenager and lived in Wroclaw, her family enjoyed a real drama. During the Millennium Flood of 1997, they lost their possessions and became poor. The big water destroyed her father’s company – the factories – the laundry and sewing room.

– One day everything, the whole world changed. Suddenly we had no bread. Mom took care of me and my brother without doing business because Dad was broken. Of course, in my mind, they were both responsible. The flood became a symbolic moment to end my childhood – Vasilevska revealed.

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The actress also dared to come out in the pages of the magazine.

– I’m going for a walk with my dog ​​Stosek in the woods. I like to eat something good and I am good at cooking. (…) What else? I love meeting people, hugging and other things, but I really like the time with my girlfriend, she said.

Recall that actresses such as Marcjanna Lelek from “M jak miłość”, Helena Urbańska from “Na Wspólnej” and Greta Burzyńska from “Colors of Happiness” and Joanna Balasz from “Colors of Happiness” recently revealed their homosexual orientation.

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In the end

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