For a long time it was not clear what the name of the next chip from the Apple Silicon series will be. Lately, most M1X rumors have guessed. On Monday evening, Apple revealed the first of its new MacBook Pro: the new processors are called the M1 Pro and M1 Max, and they are made in a 5nm process. They will initially be used in the MacBook Pro 14″ and 16″.
Apple doubled the number of high-performance cores from four to eight compared to the M1. There are now only two Efficiency Cores that mainly help save energy. In total, both new chips have ten CPU cores instead of the previous eight. Whether it’s Pro or Max, both new chipsets from the M1 series should be up to 70 percent faster than the M1 in terms of CPU performance.
Double the GPUs and RAM
There are up to 16 graphics cores in the M1 Pro and up to 32 graphics cores in the M1 Max. The M1 had seven or eight. So far, the Apple Silicon GPU could provide a maximum of two screens, and now it should be up to four. According to Apple, the M1 Pro achieves twice the graphics performance of the M1, and the M1 Max four times. Thus, the power of the GPU scales linearly with the number of cores not individually faster than the M1.
Apple has also eliminated another vulnerability in the M1 Macs. New Macs with the M1 Pro/Max offer up to 64 instead of 16GB of RAM.
The M1 Pro and M1 Max have an Apple-developed media engine that speeds up video processing while extending battery life. The M1 Pro also includes acceleration of the ProRes video codec. According to Apple, it enables playback of multiple streams of 4K and 8K ProRes video materials with low power consumption. The M1 Max also offers two times faster video encoding than the M1 Pro.
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