SNK CORPORATION announces the release of the trailer for the ATHENA ASAMIYA fighter belonging to THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV.
SNK CORPORATION announces the release of a trailer for ATHENA ASAMIYA, the fighter returning to THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV slated for release in Q1 2022. More combat trailers are on the way, so stay tuned for future updates!!
Athena Asamiya, Mai Shiranui and Yuri Sakazaki come together for the first time to form the superhero team!
KOF XV continues the legacy of the KOF series with iconic 3v3 team battles. Each team has its own unique story and ending, so be sure to see how each one unfolds!
Assamese Athens
Athena is a teenage pop idol who fights evil to achieve world peace. His fighting style is based on the use of his innate psychic powers and Chinese Kung Fu. She is an educated and hard worker. However, in KOF this is unexpectedly associated with Mai and Yuri…?
Athena Asamiya: Personal Trailer
Mai Shiranui
Mai Ho Kunoichi and the successor to the Shiranui style of ninja arts. His opponents are at the mercy of his graceful movements and exquisite clothes. Using big fans as weapons, his fighting style is “Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”
personal trailer
Yuri Sakazaki
Ryo Sakazaki’s younger sister was able to learn deadly techniques in less than a year after joining the Kyokuginryu Dojo. As a martial genius, Yuri gave his own personal touch to martial arts. She joins this KOF to prove her strength once and for all to her brother.
personal trailer
Titolo: The Fifteenth King of Fighters
Release date: Q1 2022
Plataformas: PlayStation®5 PlayStation®4 Xbox Series X | S / Windows 10 Steam / Epic Games Store
for more information:
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