For seven years, the lion Bob Jr., also known as Snyggve on the Internet, has reigned supreme over a lion...
Tony Walters
The fact that China's leader Xi Jinping was elected to another five-year term as president at the Chinese People's Congress...
In the 1980s, researchers found skeletal fragments during an excavation in Oranjestad on Sint Eustatius, an island also known as...
When you see photos of Norway's Holmenkollen, it's probably the graceful ski jump that catches your eye. Built in 1892...
Presenter: A completely wrong picture of the Prime Minister’s position on the Air Force and its role
The standing ovation surrounding Prime Minister Sanna Marin's answer to a journalist's question in Kiev about fighter jets is not...
The short 12-second video sequence is unpleasant, and therefore not rendered by SVT in its entirety. The video, posted just...
Greece has long tried to recover the Parthenon sculptures from Great Britain, and at the beginning of January, the British...
Charlotta has trained and competed with dogs for half her life, and over the new year the couple took several...
The owner will be the Saudi Investment Fund PIF and the base of operations will be the Saudi capital Riyadh,...
When toothed whales like sperm whales dive deeper than 1,000 metres, they are under very high pressure. The high pressure...