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Berliners’ rent has been reduced – they may have to pay

Berliners’ rent has been reduced – they may have to pay

This announcement means that nearly 350,000 families whose rent has been reduced are now at risk of being forced to pay off the money they have saved. Often around tens of thousands of kronor – the tenant DN spoke to lowered the rent by just over 9,000 kronor a month at the end of last year.

“The rental restrictions on the Berlin housing market are inconsistent with the constitution,” the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe wrote in a press release.

We are lucky and were able to put the difference aside, because we knew that there was a great risk that the rental ceiling would disappear. Tenant Bowe, who lives in an East Berlin apartment with two friends, says many low-income people who haven’t been able to do so may find it difficult to pay.

Boo account His family needs to pay the owner a little over 45,000 SEK. He says something needs to be done to curb rents rampant in the city, but the government of red, red and green has absorbed a lot.

– They didn’t think about this properly. Ultimately, it’s the tenants who are affected, he says.

Several Berlin real estate companies have announced that they will not require renters to pay for the period they have paid less rent. The government in Berlin said Thursday it will create a fund for tenants who cannot pay the rent retroactively.

2019 was the people of Berlin Newly signed rental contracts have doubled in less than ten years. In an effort to slow development, the state government – the Social Democratic Party, the left-wing D Link and the environment party Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen – have introduced a five-year moratorium to increase rents. Residents who pay more than 20 percent more rent over the home threshold for a home will be reduced.

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During the first half of 2020, when the decision was just made, the number of rented apartments on the market in Berlin fell in half. A survey published by Guthmann Estate shows. Landlords warned that the regulation halted needed renovations.

According to the Constitutional Court ruling issued on Thursday, the state government does not have the right to regulate the rental market the way it did in Berlin – such a decision must be made at the federal level.

Court decision him The FDP and CDU Christian Democrats celebrate it as a victory. But those behind the rental cap see it instead as an opportunity to take the case to a new level.

“A sad day for a million and a half families in Berlin. Now the rental ceiling must be voted in the Bundestag, ”Die Linke’s Karen Lay wrote on Twitter when the news broke.

Barbara Steenbergen, who works for the International Tenants' Association, IUT, says she is surprised and disappointed with the court's decision.

Barbara Steenbergen, who works for the International Tenants’ Association, IUT, says she is surprised and disappointed with the court’s decision.

Photo: Private, Private

The International Tenants Association (IUT) runs the same line. Barbara Steenbergen, head of the EU’s European Union office, says the national rental ceiling could be an important issue when Germany goes to the polls in September.

The epidemic has made it clear that all people need a safe home. Additionally, the home is now a workplace for many. Barbara Steenbergen says the housing issue is existential.