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Biden doesn’t have to follow Trump’s policies

No need to follow Trump’s policies

Aftonbladet opening page Independently a social democrat.

Migrants along the Del Rio Bridge in Texas
Migrants along the Del Rio Bridge in Texas

The past few days have pictures United States of AmericaSouthern Border has flourished in the media.
Border Police riding horses and wielding whips is like a scene from the movie Wild West. The photos have been compared to the slavery of human rights organizations in the United States. Meanwhile, deplorable conditions prevail in the Del Rio refugee camp in Texas. 14,000 people currently live under the bridge.

Some immigrants who managed to reach the United States from Haiti have been turned over and refused asylum. UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi has declared the importance of allowing people to seek asylum. So it is a human right.

Gets severe criticism

But criticism comes not only from outside, but from his own party as well. Democrats say that is inconsistent with the party’s position on the issue.

Vice President Kamala Harris is out and Expressed concern about the situation. Many found it difficult to realize that he was honest when she once asked immigrants to stop coming to the United States in her famous “don’t come” speech.

Even the top Democrat in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, thinks what we’re seeing is Trump politics, but inside the Biden administration. At the same time, we see how public support for Biden is declining. Some say it is because the honeymoon is over. But could that depend on the political choices Biden makes? First he withdrew from Afghanistan and left the civilian population to his fate, then the submarine drama with France and now a policy that contradicts the right to seek asylum?

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It is likely.

Politics during a pandemic

The so-called Title 42 policy, introduced during the pandemic, means immigrants can be rejected before they have had time to seek asylum.

The reason is that you should not bring diseases into the country. 9,000 unaccompanied children can be deported because of this policy. Now Biden has made an exception for children. It is a step in the right direction.

But now that the covid-19 situation has improved, lawyers are trying to revoke Address 42. People can no longer be deported due to the coronavirus. The Biden administration chose to defend al-Qaeda. He also blames the situation not because of his policies – it is because of Trump. If so, why not change the policy? Why are you fighting to keep it?

It’s time for the president to abandon the Wild West and instead make politics his own. Not by Trump.


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