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Changes in government.  Appointment of new ministers

Changes in government. Appointment of new ministers

President Andrzej Duda made changes to the composition of the government. Earlier, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki provided information about the changes in his government. Henryk Kowalczyk became Minister of Agriculture and Deputy Prime Minister; Anna Mosqua, Minister of Climate and Minister of Development and Technology Piotr Nowak. Kamel Bortnikzuk was awarded the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.

At the press conference, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced changes in his government. Leave the Ministry of Agriculture – As expected – Grzegorz Puda. Replaced by Henryk Kowalczykwho will also become deputy prime minister. But Buda does not say goodbye to the government – He will direct the Ministry of Finance and Regional Policy, which until now is headed by Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak.

Henryk Kowalczyk returns to the government. It’s Beata Szydło .’s man

Michel Kurtika left the government. Anna Moskwa became the Minister of Climate.

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Kurtika himself explained in a previous press conference Your departure as a family case. As he said, his relatives were injured while working for the government. When asked if he had asked for the change himself, he avoided answering.

Michai Kurtika says goodbye to the government. Turów will be taken care of by Jacek Sasin, Zbigniew Rau and Konrad Szymański

Henryk Kowalczyk and Anna Moskwa are associated with the camp of Beata Szydło, Mateusz Morawiecki’s longtime rival, who was recently in a quiet alliance with Zbigniew Ziobra.

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Related to Adam Bilan Kamel Bortnikzuk obtained the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. We established the Ministry of Sports and Tourism. Not a sport as it used to be, just sport and tourism – Morawiecki said at the press conference.

Tourism is currently under the Ministry of Development and Technology and is overseen by the Deputy Head of the Ministry, Andre Gott-Mostoy.

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There has also been a change in the position previously held by the Prime Minister himself – i.e. Minister of Development and Technology. it will be Peter Nowak.

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