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Cover Payment – Law comes into force

Cover Payment – Law comes into force

Armor payments can help offset some energy costs and rising food prices. The new law goes into effect on January 4, 2022.

The law on security payments is coming into force

On Tuesday, the Security Payment Act came into force, which will help some families cover some energy costs and rising food prices.

The law was signed into law by President Andrzej Duda last Tuesday. According to a presidential statement from the President of the Republic of Poland, the main purpose of the law is to introduce something new. Benefits, I.e., a security allowance in support of the Polish government for the most needy citizens and foreigners indicated in the law, in part to offset a portion of energy costs and rising food prices. It was clarified that the additional amount would be paid twice a year. The first installment must be paid by March 31, 2022, and the second – by December 2, 2022.

Cover accessory – for whom?

“This allowance will be paid to households with an average monthly income – as defined by law in the Family Benefits Act – no more than PLN 2,100 per person in the family or more than 1,500 PLN per person in the family. Cover Allowance for the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 Will be paid and its amount will depend on the number of persons in the family (PLN 400 per individual family, PLN 600 person family for 2-3 persons, PLN 850). PLN for 4-5 persons and PLN 1150 for a family of at least 6 persons ”- Republic of Poland The president’s statement said.

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As pointed out, the main source of home heating: boiler, fireplace, goat, air heater, etc. Fuel If solids burned with coal or carbon-based fuels are included in the emission center register of buildings, the amount of cover allowance is increased by 25%.

The PLN policy for the so-called PLN, that is, the insurance premium will be paid even after the income threshold is exceeded, and the amount of the premium will be deducted. The minimum amount of insurance premiums paid is PLN 20. Cover allowance below PLN 20 will not be paid.

“The implementation of the cover allowance has been entrusted to the Communes – a task assigned by the administration of the Government. The Commune President, the Mayor or the President is not required to make a decision on the payment of the allowance (in case of refusal to provide the benefit). Information about the payment of the cover allowance may be sent to the e-mail address provided by the applicant and Applications can be submitted through electronic communication, ”said the President’s President.

According to the announcement, both the cover allowance and the energy allowance are not subject to enforcement and will not be taken into account when determining entitlement to social assistance benefits or ancillary benefits for those unable to live independently. It was added that these benefits would not be income within the purview of the Personal Income Tax Act.

“The seller of electricity or gaseous fuels is obliged to attach invoice information about the insurance payment and the right to submit an application for its payment, each time by 31 October 2022 or separately. Invoice Will be sent within 2 months from the date of entry into force of the law “- it was informed. (PAP)

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Author: Marek Siudaj
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