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Denmark opens up – more than expected

Denmark opens up – more than expected

Every time the Danish government, led by Mitt Frederiksen, decides on a new step in reopening the community, it does so through negotiations with the other parties in Folketing.

On Thursday, I negotiated back and forth for eight hours and shortly after midnight, representatives of the various parties were able to present a new plan.

We are in a privileged position that enables us to open up more. The meeting ended with broad agreement, according to Justice Minister Nick Heckerup, according to Ritsau.

April 21 restaurants reopen in Denmark.

picture: Jens Christian

Corona passport requirements

For many, the big plan in the new one is that starting April 21, Danes can sit in a restaurant or cafe and order food and drink. In any case, if you have a Corona passport that shows that you have either received the vaccination, or tested negative within 72 hours, or were infected before (at the earliest estimate two weeks ago, at least 12 weeks ago).

If you wish to sit on the outdoor balcony, you do not need to show your Corona Pass.

Restaurants and cafes have been completely closed since mid-December 2020. Katia K. Ostergaard, president of the Horista trade association, thinks they can now reopen, under controlled conditions, a positive thing. But the danger is not over yet.

– We are still looking at a period when we have strict restrictions so that it is difficult to breathe, It says to TV2.

She believes the limited working hours, mouthguard requirements and Corona permits will scare customers.

Attendance at football matches

But the new agreement isn’t just about the restaurant industry. Here are some of the other major changes that will happen on April 21:

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Reopening of malls and supermarkets.

The fans can return to the football stadiums. The squares must be separated into clear sections and each section can accommodate 500 spectators who must be able to show valid corona passage. In the section, spectators should be seated at 1-meter intervals. All bystanders should be registered to facilitate any trace of infection.

Children and young people (under the age of 18) can gather indoors for sporting activities.

The assembly ban has been relaxed. You can gather 10 people indoors and 50 people outdoors.

Physical attendance in schools is increasing.

The next step in the reopening of the Danish community will take place on May 6. After that, among other things, the gym will be allowed to open again.

One million doses of vaccine

On Thursday, Denmark has reached a milestone in the fight against the Corona vaccine. By that time, one million Danes had received their first dose of vaccine.

Earlier this week, a major test was carried out and then 104,824 Danes were vaccinated in one day.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said this is almost a holiday in Denmark.

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This is where Sweden’s largest vaccination center opens.