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Developer reveals undiscovered Easter egg

Developer reveals undiscovered Easter egg

A former BioWare employee has revealed a year-old undetected Easter egg from Mass Effect 3.

The role-playing game Mass Effect 3 is now nine years old. It is even more surprising that the Easter egg that the developers installed has yet to be discovered. This is a probe that players can operate during a Mars mission with a specific action.

The Easter egg author, now a former BioWare employee, has now posted instructions for Easter eggs on Reddit. Although this process is not particularly difficult, an accidental launch without prior knowledge is unlikely.

Once players land on Mars with their shuttle, they see a field of solar panels, more precisely three by four panels in a row. This must now be bypassed in a certain way.

From the shuttle, players must cross the first row of plates between the leftmost and center left plates. Then run a little to the right and pass through the second and third rows in the middle. The next step is to circle the board to the right of the trigger and leave the field one board more left than before. There is a photocopy of the correct path in the file Reddit Post developer.

Upon successful completion, he drives the probe toward Shepherd and nods in a friendly manner. It could be a reference to the Curiosity probe that landed on Mars in August 2012.

If you missed an Easter Egg in Mass Effect 3 at that time, you can now make up for it with the help of Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Because the Easter egg is also included in the mod of Mass Effect 3.

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