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Drafting controversy delays IPCC climate report

The third interim report in the IPCC Climate Science Research Main Compilation was scheduled to be presented at 11 am today, but work is off and, according to the latest presentation, at 5 pm. Fossil fuel use must be reduced quickly.

Fossil fuels, which are at the core of climate change, are a sensitive area in many ways; This has been evident in global climate action. Formulas for how to reduce usage often cause contention. Many developing countries claim their right to use coal, oil and gas for a longer period than rich countries because, in their opinion, it is a way to reduce poverty in their countries and to improve their economies.

so much Major fossil fuel producers disagree with the formulation for the rapid reductions in fossil fuel use that researchers believe are necessary.

The IPCC report is a compilation of thousands of research reports. For the past two weeks, representatives of countries around the world have been sitting around trying to summarize the findings in a 20 to 30-page summary of a summary for decision makers.

They go through the summary word for word, sentence for sentence.

According to IPCC methods, all governments have the right to make changes to the final summary and some countries use this right to weaken the wording and try to soften the message. It is common in global climate action.

Saudi Arabia, India, China and some other countries have tried to influence the writings so that the warnings are more moderate, the Observer writes.

but it’s important To indicate that only the formulations in the abstract can be influenced by countries, the underlying scientific reports cannot be changed. So even if the message in the summary is less severe than the researchers would like, those warnings remain in the report itself.

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At the recent climate summit of the 26th United Nations Conference of the Parties in Glasgow, disagreements over the formulation of fossil fuels became apparent. At the last minute, India protested the wording in the final document that fossil fuel subsidies should be phased out. After hasty deliberations on the floor in the public hall on the last day, the wording was changed, in lieu of fossil fuel subsidies, the final wording was to “eliminate unnecessary subsidies to fossil fuels.”

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