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Eva Gavriluk and Voltaire Blaszczyk divorced 22 years later

Eva Gavriluk and Voltaire Blaszczyk divorced 22 years later

News of the split between Ewa Gawryluk and Waldemar Błaszczyk appeared in the Wednesday issue of “Dzień dobry TVN”. In a statement, the actors said they did not want to talk about the split and promised to avoid media publicity. They were also asked to respect their decisions.

“We broke up in harmony and we are in a good relationship. We have always divided personal and professional things, and this time it will be. We will not give interviews or give any personal details about the split, “said Eva Gavriluk and Voltaire Blaszczyk.

The actress is active on social media. Until the text is released, the star has not spoken on the matter.

Ewa Gawryluk and Waldemar Błaszczyk are getting divorced

Before Eva Gavriluk met her husband, she had been in contact with Pyotr Gelt for many years. There is a gap of 5 years between the actress and Waldemar Błaszczyk, and in an interview with star known Interia from “Na Wspólnej” he admitted that he fell in love with his studies.

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Eva Gavril also attracted the attention of a beautiful young actor.

“I saw him in the film and I thought he was something self-confident and a spoiler spoiled by women. However, when we met face to face, I immediately realized that we fit together, “said Interia.

They met Rafal More, who was friends with Eva Gavril. The actor impressed the star with his role in the movie “Self Portrait with a Boyfriend”. He invited a friend to express his congratulations to his roommate.

“Waltech played the lead male role and I got caught up in the scene with my little daughter. He is real and honest in what he plays. His maturity impressed me. (…) Rafał, using what Waldek was sitting next to him, gave him the phone “- she said on” Dzień dobry TVN “.

In this way, the actors got in touch, and in 1999 they stood on the wedding carpet. A year later, their daughter Maria appeared in the world.

For years, actors avoided the media, and Voldemort Błaszczyk admitted that some people knew they were married. A few years ago, Ewa Gawryluk admitted in an interview with Plejada that he was not emotional.

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You can watch the whole conversation in the content below:

Spouses talked about the recipe for a successful relationship.

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