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Every fourth Qutb receives messages from his superiors after working hours

Every fourth Qutb receives messages from his superiors after working hours

The survey – the results of which were made available to PAP – showed that 56.5 per cent. Of the respondents do not suffer from this problem, 6.6 percent. I can’t remember if it happened. 13 percent get Emails, text messages, and other messages From bosses only in emergency situations.

z the exams It shows that 85.5 per cent. People who receive correspondence reply to it on the same day. More than half of respondents are prompted, if they do not react quickly. The study authors assessed the findings as very disturbing, as they relate primarily to young adults, and the described behavior is a direct method of fatigue.

Although this is a reality in companies, sending SMS or messages to subordinates via instant messaging should never take place after working hours. Those who receive it may feel constantly uncomfortable as the work order may come at any moment – Confirmed commenting on the results the examsMichał Pajdak from the platform.

Over time, he added, this begins to cause anticipation of negative scenarios. He also runs, among other things, for sleep problems, irritability, distraction, and loss of efficiency. – Of course, they lose as well The bosses Notice Bagdak.


This was indicated by the legal advisor, Dr. Carolina Mazur, co-author of the study From a Legal Perspective Sending a Message It is not forbidden to contact the employee or call the phone outside working hours. At the same time, she emphasized that the employee did not then have to provide an answer.

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The exception is The duty of the employee. In other cases, the above action of the supervisor can be considered an order for additional work, especially when the employee, as a result of communication, has to perform additional professional activities. For this it is necessary, inter alia, to consider answering an e-mail or telephone conversation on business matters. According to the labor law, as explained in the press release, this must be compensated with additional salary or free time.

Blur the line between private life and work

Our observations show that during a pandemic profession In many cases, the line between private life and work is blurred. The result is fatigue Really happy.

In the study, 13 percent. of the respondents stated that they receive messages from their superiors after working hours only in case of emergency. Experts comment, however, that this concept often covers many different situations that, in fact, are not always an emergency, and are caused by the organizational culture of a particular enterprise. comp.

Overtime work is permitted in the event that a rescue operation is needed to protect human life, health, property or the environment, or to eliminate a malfunction, or in the event of special needs of the employer. In addition, the employee may be obligated to be ready to perform work outside normal working hours, to be ready to perform work under the employment contract at the place of work or at another place specified by the employer. Then upon request within the meaning of the regulations Dr. pointed out. Mazur.

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Often men

Looking at the group to which the supervisor calls after working hours (excluding emergencies), it can be seen that men (27.2%) suffer from it more than women (20.5%). This mainly applies to people aged 23-35 years (among them – 29.7%), who earn a net PLN 7000-8999 per month (39.1%).

You can see that this mainly applies to young and aspiring employees. For these people, work is at the forefront of life. They understand that a higher commitment can lead to a promotion, and thus – an increase in profits. Admins are aware of this and therefore allow themselves this call after business hours – Explanation of Michai Bagdak.

Study authors from UCE RESEARCH report that 85.5 percent. Respondents respond to business correspondence they receive outside of business hours on the day they are received. 12.4 percent of those surveyed do not currently do so. However, 2.1 percent. Respondents do not remember how to react.

Usually, companies ask employees to be alert. Many of them return to work in the evening after they have finished their work. This is why such a high percentage of respondents reply to their superiors for correspondence outside working hours, on the same day – said psychologist Mikhai Margarbia, co-author of the study from the platform.

On the same day, women respond more to correspondence than men (88.9% vs. 82.8%). This is done mainly by people aged 36-55 (among them – 92.8%), with a monthly net income of PLN 7000 (8999) (95.5%), higher education (87%) and from cities with a number of Its population is 50,000 or more. Up to 99 thousand residents (91.2%).

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On vacation, a person should focus on his comfort and his own affairs. A balance between work and recovery is essential to maintaining mental and physical health – Psychologist Murgrabia emphasized the information from the search results.

The right to rest without interruption

In turn, Dr. Mazur mentioned that the employee deserves The right to rest without interruptionFor at least 11 hours a day, plus at least 35 hours a week.

Meanwhile, according to the survey, 52.8 percent. Poles who receive letters after office hours admit that if they do not respond quickly, their superiors repeat letters on the same day or demand a response. 39.4 percent of respondents had a dissenting opinion, and 7.8 percent. He doesn’t remember if that was the case.

The pressure that the supervisor imposes on the employee may force a specific lifestyle that is entirely subject to work. Unfortunately, managers still do not understand that a subordinate is more effective and committed if he has time to take care of his own affairs after the work is done. – Mikhai Margarbia said.

The survey was conducted using the CAWI (Computer Aided Web Interview) method by UCE RESEARCH and the platform, with the substantial participation of Dr. Carolina Mazur, a lawyer, among 1068 Polish adults. According to the study authors, the sample was representative in terms of gender, age, city size, education, and region.

Author: Katarzyna Lechowicz-Dyl