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Ex-colleague: Rafati understands the DFB’s complaint to former referee Gräfe

Ex-colleague: Rafati understands the DFB’s complaint to former referee Gräfe

The lawsuit brought by Bundesliga referee Manuel Grieve against the German Football Association for age discrimination is “absolutely valid and significant” for his former teammate Babak Rafati.

The interview with Gräfe feels like “a final, impartial account of the DFB system with its machinations and does not surprise me at all. Almost all of the ‘counts’ of Gräfe correspond to experiences from my active time,” writes Rafati in his ‘Sport Whistle’ column.

There are other “moral accusations” of the 51-year-old. Discrimination against women, for example, in the Bibiana Steinhaus case. “A power struggle erupted over her promotion to the Bundesliga. Her career end was not entirely voluntary and the current mud battle over women’s rights DFB are also to be mentioned. Or homosexuality in professional football. The German Football Association always announces its support, but in my job as a coach for professional football players, I always feel the opposite,” said the former referee.

Gräfe wants legal action against the minimum age set by the DFB for governors of 47. So the 47-year-old Berliner had to end his career at the end of last season after 289 Bundesliga games, although he would have liked to continue to beep.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210702-99-241125 / 2 (dpa)

The rule of the Bundesliga


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