Social network The social networking site Facebook On Thursday, he pledged to adapt the news channel’s content – which is shown as soon as he reaches the portal – with what each user explicitly requests, which means taking decision-making power from the algorithm and handing it over to the user.
In an entry in Company Blog, The company’s director of product management, Ashta Gupta, explained that the changes will begin this spring and will mainly consist of direct user questions about the relevance of each content.
Answer that The social networking site Facebook Receipt will be used later when selecting new messages to appear or not to the user.
Are you an inspiration?
Since 2019, The social networking site Facebook It does conduct surveys of this nature to see if a particular message is “worth the time” of the user, but the questions will now be more specific and cover a wider range.
Thus, an innovation will be the question of whether and to what extent the message is “inspiring”, with options “not at all”, “little”, “moderate”, “too much” and “a lot”.
idea The social networking site Facebook It is to use these responses to find content that inspires the user and shows them more of this genre than what it does not inspire.
Another novelty is straightforward questions about topics on which you want more or less information, such as “cooking”, “sports” or “politics.”
This will also affect messages shared by family or friends i.e. if there is a contact from The social networking site Facebook Something about the policy is pending, but the user has expressed a desire to receive less political information, it is very likely that from now on this message will not appear prominently.
From Menlo Park (California, USA) they also assured that they will “study” those content that provokes many reactions against it in an attempt to reduce the “negative experiences” that Internet users may experience on the social network as much as possible.
Finally, the company indicated that it would redesign the news channel so that it gained the option to delete a message that it did not want to see clearly – something that could really be done today – and that it would use that data as a template for presenting less content of this type in the future. EFE
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