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Few days until the summer solstice

Few days until the summer solstice

Next June 21 will be the solstice, which means that summer will begin in the northern hemisphere and in the Dominican Republic. It will be the longest day and shortest night of the year.

This event in which the Earth’s axis registers its maximum tilt toward the Sun occurs twice a year.

“During the Northern summer solstice in the northern hemisphere (June 21), the Southern Hemisphere experiences the winter solstice,” notes La Nat Geo. Similarly, during the Northern Hemisphere’s winter solstice, which falls around December 22, the Southern Hemisphere experiences The amazing summer solstice.

The concept of the solstice comes from the Latin sol “sol” r stop ‘resident’, This is the “still sun”, because during the winter solstice, the sun seems to stop moving.

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according to National Geographic, inversions occur because “the Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted by about 23.4 degrees relative to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun”. This tilt results in the seasons of our planet, in which the northern and southern hemispheres receive unequal amounts of sunlight throughout the year.

From March to September, the northern hemisphere is tilted more towards the sun, What causes spring and summer. From September to March, the northern hemisphere is far away, so there autumn and winter. Nat Geo points out that “the seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are reversed.”

Solstices can also be thought of according to where on Earth the Sun appears. When the summer solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere, the sun appears directly over the Tropic of Cancer, latitude at 23.5°N (the farthest north you can travel and see the sun directly above you). During the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, the sun appears directly over the Tropic of Capricorn, the southern reversal of the Tropic of Cancer.

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When at one of the geographical poles the Sun reaches its highest altitude (the time of the solstice), it may be only at noon in the direction of the meridian towards the south of the pole; For other meridians, noon has not yet arrived (it has not yet arrived or it has already passed). “Hence, the notion of a solstice is useful despite the fact that the term most commonly used is midsummer to refer to the moment at which said solstice occurs,” Europa Press points out in its article entitled “Summer Solstice”.

The polar circles mark the regions of the Earth in which the sun does not set (summer) or rise (winter) for 24 hours, at least once a year. The number of days this happens increases as you move from the Arctic Circle to the respective pole. At the poles themselves, the perpetual day or night lasts three months, and at the polar circle – only one day: That corresponding solar solstice.