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Frasyniuk did not deviate from his words about the players.  “Standard PiS Engine”

Frasyniuk did not deviate from his words about the players. “Standard PiS Engine”

“This is a constant PiS trap, instead of talking about the Polish government’s illegal action against the refugee group and the lack of respect for a man, we are talking about interviews and strong words. On Sunday, on TVN24, he called the soldiers and border guards at Usnors Korney “garbage.” National Defense Minister Mariusz Biascock made the announcement to the prosecutor’s office.

Sunday, on TVN24 Frasyniuk Talked about the crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border. The soldiers did not want a group of foreigners to stay there for several days.

Frankly, the word soldier is a disgrace to everyone who has been on Polish missions abroad because I have the idea that it is a pack[…] வதஹா psów, Surrounded by poor vulnerable people Frasiniuk said.

Players don’t do that. Simply junk. This is not human behavior – to put it bluntly. This is anti-Polish behavior. These soldiers do not serve the Polish government, on the contrary – they spit out all the values ​​that their parents or grandparents should have fought for. – Rated resistance.

These words were criticized by government representatives, including Prime Minister Mathews Moraviki. Mariusz Pascock, head of the Ministry of National Defense, announced that he would submit a notice to the prosecutor’s office.

In an interview with Onet on Monday, Frasnik said, “The whole situation.” Fixed PiS engineInstead of talking about the Polish government’s illegal actions against the refugee group and the lack of respect for one man, we talk about the strong words of the interviewer and Frasiniuk.

In addition, part of the opposition behind the so-called opposition is openly political, which is next in line to the PiS. I was amazed by the political innocence of the people who considered my words outrageous Frasiniuk said.

He added that soldiers operating on the border were “contrary to any values ​​that the Polish army should serve.”

The Polish army must stand up for the victims, not against the people fleeing oppression. Although they were part of Lukashenko’s game, I have no doubt that the military is acting outrageously in this matter Frasiniuk said.

This army has no name or identity. No face. I would like to stand up for the soldiers and the police and say that everyone has a face and mind, there is no situation where you can not behave morally. If Passover thinks that these people should be placed in an inhumane condition on the border, he will transfer the soldiers to Minister Masjid Wasik and let them be armed.ą – refers to Frasyniuk.

He also said that Blascock treated his soldiers “like dogs that have to keep an eye on and surround these poor people.”

A group of 32 immigrants camped for several days in the Belarusian region on the Polish border near the Usnors Korni. The people who make it want to go to Poland and apply for international assistance. Yesterday afternoon, Border Security announced that 24 people had already camped there. Some of them have to return to Belarus.

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On the Belarusian side, Belarusian services will prevent retreat. Access to the Polish side is guarded by soldiers and border guards.

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