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“Fridays for the Future” in Africa blows against oil exploration in natural paradise in Okavango

“Fridays for the Future” in Africa blows against oil exploration in natural paradise in Okavango

Environmental and climate conservationists are blocking oil exploration in the natural paradise of Okavango in southwest Africa.

Ina Maria Shigongo, a Namibian “Friday for the Future” activist, said such a project should never be allowed if you consider the impact it will have on people, the environment and our water. This would be a “disaster” not just for the global climate. Published in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia Protestant proof, Elephants, wild dogs, lions, leopards, giraffes, birds and rare plant species are said to be affected by the project. In the Niger Delta in Nigeria, the oil production of Shell and other companies created an “environmental and social dream.” African environmental activists warn that this will not happen again in Namibia and Botswana. They called for mass anti-mails to be sent directly to President Ginkgo.

The Canadian company “Recon-Africa” ​​is searching for oil at a depth of 3.8 kilometers north of the country. Drilling sites are located in the Guangzhou area of ​​the planned Gaza Nature Park, which includes Namibia, Angola, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe. KFW, the German development bank, is financing Gaza with millions of euros in taxes. KfW calls this area “Noah’s Ark.” Recon-Africa holds licenses for 35,000 square kilometers of study area in Namibia and Botswana.

“Most elephants are hunted anyway”

Reagan Africa CEO Scott Evans dismisses environmental activists’ concerns. There is a good chance of finding oil and gas stored rock layers. One will take “a lot of time” with this project. Oil drilling and animal welfare are not mutually exclusive, he stressed. In western Canada, tourism, trade and oil production coexist. The company has now commissioned a study to see how many elephants are actually close to the drilling sites. Evans: “My information: Most of them are hunted anyway.”

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This news was broadcast on March 26, 2021 on Deutschlandfunk.