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Giant hail in the US: 'Seek shelter now'

The storm destroyed several power lines, in addition to hail, thunder and strong winds. In at least three locations, the public reported tornadoes, the AP reported.

Some places were spared normal-sized hailstones, but in other places balls the size of tennis balls fell from the sky. In the vicinity of St. Louis, there was a complete stop of traffic when cars could not make their way safely due to the rain.

Photo: Randy Smith/AP

The National Weather Service (NSW) in Topeka, Kansas, has received reports of 10-centimetre-long hailstones, meteorologist Matt Wolters tells the AP.

– When your size reaches the size of a tennis ball, baseball, or, God forbid, softball, very serious injuries can occur. Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski tells the AP that a hit to the head can be fatal.

The worst of the storm is over, but strong winds and heavy rain are expected in Kansas and Missouri in the coming days.

Photograph: Jeremy Crabtree/AP

The storm prompted New South Wales to issue Multiple warnings in Kansas and Missouri.

One warning read: “If you are in the warning area, move away from the windows and take cover now!!!”

No one was injured in the storm, and authorities did not receive any reports of serious damage to private property, the Associated Press wrote.

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