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Giant locomotive invades the Russian countryside – DN.SE

Giant locomotive invades the Russian countryside – DN.SE

Hard copy from Dagens Nyheter, 2021-11-28 01:50

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“There is more awareness of invasive species in Russia today than before – but the ignorance is still great,” says Maria Popova. She leads a network that fights the giant locomotive. She herself operates in the Moscow and Tver regions, but members come from all over Russia.

Pictured: Oksana Josikow

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“I only became aware of the giant locomotive problem in 2013 when I hadn’t visited our summer place in four years because I had kids. When we came back, there were a lot of big, unknown plants everywhere. That was when I started delving into the problem,” says activist Maria Popova. “.

Pictured: Oksana Josikow

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In the half-abandoned village of Jelzykovo, you can immediately see empty houses. The giant locomotive thrives in ancient gardens.

Pictured: Oksana Josikow

Vasilivo. Where the population moves, the giant locomotive moves. Invasive poisonous species dominate the Russian countryside. In abandoned villages, a plant up to three meters high forms impenetrable thickets.

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