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Green mamba on the loose in Netherlands – fatal bite in 30 minutes

Updated on 08.56 | Published on 2023-11-23 17.43

Green mamba.

Maybe Holland’s got its own Sir Vas.

Since Monday, a deadly green mamba has been rampaging through the city of Tilburg, and authorities are warning about the snake whose venom can kill in 30 minutes.

Call 112 if you are bitten, and do it quickly, says Nature TV researcher Freek Funk.

A nearly two-metre-long green mamba escaped from its home on Monday with a common person in Tilburg, Netherlands, and remains on the run.

Local authorities advised the public not to approach or attempt to catch the snake if it is found, as its venom could be fatal.

Very dangerous

The owner said the snake might be hiding in a warm place inside the house on Goudenregenstraat, but experts chose to search for the snake in a larger area.

The snake is very dangerous, but because of the cold weather, there is little risk of the snake wanting to stay outside, Nature TV researcher Freek Funk told the Dutch newspaper Nou. But there are no guarantees, and the public would do well to be warned, according to Frick Funk.

– Call 112 if he bites you, and do it quickly, says Nou Dutch news.

The Swedish snake escaped

In Sweden, we witnessed our own snake drama last fall, when the king cobra Sir Vass escaped from Skansen, only managing to return eight days later. By then he had become a national celebrity.

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