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Greta’s circle on new criticism: “I support it” |  Sweden

Greta’s circle on new criticism: “I support it” | Sweden

Five years ago, the Lemhamn church wrote on X, and then on Twitter, about Greta Thunberg in its digital Advent calendar.

“Announcement! Jesus of Nazareth has now appointed one of his successors, Greta Thunberg.”“, wrote the church.

– The goal, of course, is to draw attention to the committed person and to do it a little in our language, as Pastor Jonas Persson said at the time.

Five years later, Greta Thunberg was compared to Hitler on the SvD Leader’s page.

“Hitler Girl is the one who would rather hug Hamas than help women.” Writer Zuzana Popova writes.

The comparison with Hitler has received criticism. Aftonbladet’s Anders Lindberg thinks Popova misses that Provide evidence To “hug enthusiasm” and me Distinctive name Arvid Ålund describes the right’s “obsession with Greta Thunberg” as “pathological”.

But even in her own movement, the new political Greta Thunberg was confronted.

“I came here for a climate demonstration.”

In Germany in particular, the Swedish star activist received harsh and green criticism. German woman In mid-November, I noticed how Greta Thunberg surprised with a new direction at a demonstration in Amsterdam attended by 85,000 participants.

Wearing a Palestinian shawl, Greta Thunberg, referring to the Palestinians, said the climate movement must listen to “the voices of the oppressed, those fighting for peace and justice.”

Then a man came on stage and tried to take the microphone from her and shouted: “I came here for a climate protest, not for political views.”

After that, there were criticisms even from the official side.

Greta Thunberg is exploiting urgent and legitimate climate concern to take a one-sided stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, neither naming the perpetrators nor condemning the absolute atrocities committed by Hamas, says Ricarda Lange, spokeswoman for the organization. Environmental Green Party, according to the TT website.

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Louisa Neubauer of the German Future Foundation Friday spoke the time She is disappointed that Greta Thunberg did not speak out about the Hamas massacre on October 7.

– Thunberg was extraordinarily reflective and far-sighted before, but now we need to examine who we still have a foundation to work with.

The Limhamn Church in Malmö no longer sees Greta Thunberg as the new Jesus.

picture: Stig ak johnson/TT News Agency

Ragnhild Larsson, 63, an activist with Extinction Rebellion, believes that in many cases criticism of Greta Thunberg comes from people who have always been against her.

picture: private

Discussion of Hamas is not encouraged

The Swedish climate movement is not as important. Extinction Revolution With the subgroup Rebellious mothers She was present during Thunberg’s trial – and continues to support her. Ragnhild Larsson, 63, an activist in the group, believes that in many cases criticism of Greta Thunberg comes from people who have always been against her.

-I think it’s terrible when you start throwing crap at her. She deserves all respect. That the editorial page of Svenska Dagbladet called her “Hitler’s Girl” is unimaginably low.

– But if there are so many of us fighting for a habitable planet, I think it’s important to be broad. We are not a political party. If we take a position in all conflicts, we will find it difficult to reach a solution.

Activist Goran Børde also fundamentally supports Greta Thunberg on the Palestinian issue, but believes it is foolish to engage in this debate.

– I would not have done that, because I know how widespread the infection is. I’ve been here longer, I’m 71 years old. I stuck to the climate issue.

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The Limhamn church – which five years ago saw Greta Thunberg as the new Jesus – got a new parish priest, Michael Guth. He says he wouldn’t put it that way.

– As a believer, I am one continued To Jesus, that’s what we say. Not an alternative. Jesus is completely unique.

Footnote: Expressen searches Friday for FutureIt is the organization founded by Greta Thunberg to organize school strikes for climate as well Restore the future With whom it cooperated in actions against fossil fuels.

Read more: Per Bolund on Greta Thunberg: “Lack of trust”
Read more: Sharp criticism of Greta Thunberg’s movement