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Group exams in Disneyland and closed cities in China

Group exams in Disneyland and closed cities in China

It must be said immediately. The recent outbreak in China is about numbers that in large parts of the rest of the world can be taken as a positive sign. From October 17 to November 1, there are just over 500 confirmed infections. That’s in a country of 1.4 billion people.

But China, as one of the few countries in the world, is sticking to the strategy of eliminating the disease. Then you should not take the risk, especially when there are less than three months left until the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

smallest mark In the case of suspected infection leads to massive actions. A good example of this is how the nearly 34,000 visitors to Shanghai’s Disneyland on Sunday were suddenly met by police who prevented them from leaving the area. Instead, everyone was instructed to test themselves. The reason is that a woman who visited Disneyland on Saturday was suspected of having covid-19.

Photo: AFP

Pictures posted on social media show an almost absurd situation when people queue for medical staff in protective suits while the traditional fireworks that usually end days in an amusement park cover the sky. None of the more than 30,000 people have been infected. However, they were asked to self-isolate for two days and to test themselves again in two weeks.

its just Happened by many demonstrates how well the country is poised to crack down on the virus. A man wrote on Twitter how he was forced to self-quarantine for eleven days after visiting a hotel in Beijing for a few minutes wearing a face mask. The reason is that the person who visited the hotel tested positive. Since everyone who goes to this kind of place should check out a health app, it can be tracked. The man who is now in quarantine has tested negative. However, he now has to self-isolate at home with a sensor on the door that records every time it’s opened.

The recent outbreak has caused concern as it is believed that the original is a retired Shanghai couple who were on a bus ride through several provinces in the country. They must have the most contagious Delta type of virus and no city or county wants to blame them for not doing enough to stop the spread of the virus.

Therefore, the regions are now closedInfection is detected and group tests are performed. People are isolated if they are suspected in any way to have been close to the virus. What security cherishes most is the capital. newly Beijing Marathon has been canceled He urged Beijing residents not to travel. If they have already left the capital, it is better to postpone the return trip, according to the capital’s health authority.

Currently, the worst outbreak is in Heilongyang Province, on the Russian border. Several cities have closed down here, some without a single confirmed infection. For example, the city of Qiqihar with a population of 5.3 million has declared a state of emergency, with no cases recorded in the city. The city of Yichun in the same county has banned tourists coming to the city from visiting attractions until November 6. This is despite the city not being hit by any injury.

Qiqihar, a city of one million people, has declared a state of emergency without any new cases of coronavirus being recorded in the city.

Qiqihar, a city of one million people, has declared a state of emergency without any new cases of coronavirus being recorded in the city.

Photo: Sipa Asia / TT

The strict rules made more and more foreigners deaf. On the one hand, it is difficult for companies to receive international visits, and visa requirements have tightened. On the one hand, it makes it difficult Quarantine in which everyone who arrives in China must sit for foreign trips.

in poll As did the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, 70 percent of companies responded that they had difficulty attracting and retaining foreign workers due to severe travel restrictions. The fact that children have also been separated from their parents in quarantine is discouraging families.

Joakim Abeleen of Business Sweden in Beijing sees the same trends in the Swedish business community.

The proportion sent in Swedish companies has fallen sharply during the pandemic. Many have already left. The big challenge for companies now is to find new companies to send.

According to a survey conducted by Business Sweden And the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, the proportion of delegates to Swedish companies based in China decreased from 2.7 percent in 2020 to 1.5 percent in 2021.

There are no indications that China, like most other countries in the world, will open soon. The Olympics are coming soon, and next fall the Central Committee of the Communist Party will decide whether Xi Jinping will remain leader for another five years. So COVID-19 should not interfere.

With regard to the sick and the dead, the strategy has worked so far. In China of 1.4 billion people, 4,849 have died of COVID-19. This can be compared, for example, to the USA, where more than 740,000 people died. These are the numbers that the Communist Party believes show that its authoritarian regime is superior to democracies in the West.

Read more: The rest of the world is open – but China’s borders closed indefinitely

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