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The universe looks very scary. It doesn’t look like aliens are, but the sound of sci-fi is still not for the faint of heart.
In 2016, NASA sent a spacecraft toward Jupiter, which will enable us to hear the universe today. in june flew „Juno passed one of Jupiter’s moons and sent breathtaking images to US headquarters. A special instrument on board was also used to collect data on electrical and magnetic radio waves, which NASA has now released as an audio file.
The score sounds like the soundtrack to a creepy ’80s science fiction movie.
Images IMAGO / UPI
Greetings from the moon
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and the fifth in terms of distance from the sun. Jupiter is known to ancient astronomers and was named by the ancient Romans after the Roman god Jupiter. Several moons orbit the planet – 79 to be exact! At least this is known to us since 2018.
The four largest of the Galilean moons are called Ganymede, Callisto, Io and Europa. The largest of them – Ganymede – has its own magnetic shell. We can’t see these magnetic fields directly, but thanks to Juno we can hear them.
IMAGO / Blickwinkel
This is what Ganymede looks like
“This soundtrack is just wild enough to make you feel like you’re there when Juno sails past Ganymede for the first time in more than two decades,” Juno principal investigator Scott Bolton said in a statement released Friday to NASA. “If you listen carefully, you can hear the sudden change of higher frequencies around the center of the recording, which marks the entry into another region of Ganymede’s magnetosphere.”
AHA. Then let’s open the eavesdropper lock.
2022 will be the year of Jupiter
Whether scientists from NASA agree with astrologers and horoscopes is questionable. But they say: 2022 is the year of Jupiter and therefore it will be really good! That’s it… It looks like we have a good few months ahead because Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, was already in ancient Rome „Iuppiter Optimus Maximus ”, so “the best and greatest of Jupiter”. Accordingly, of course, next year should also be the whole Optimus Maximus!
Nobody has any objection to that. At least, he could finally call home now.
IMAGO / Panthermedia
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