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High prices on the A2 motorway.  GDDKiA Against Them – Auto/Moto

High prices on the A2 motorway. GDDKiA Against Them – Auto/Moto

GDDKiA’s position on fees for the concession section of the A2 motorway was published almost immediately after Autostrada Wielkopolska SA announced the increases. These increases are effective January 10, 2022.

“The concession holder of the Świecko-Konin section of the A2 motorway, as of January 10, 2022, has raised the toll rates for vehicles. In the opinion of GDDKiA, the increase in toll rates is unjustified and directly affects drivers and transport vehicles”, we read.

Increase conditions for consideration

As the GDDKiA argues, “The right to increase highway usage charges results from the concession contract. GDDKiA has no real powers to influence decisions regarding changes to toll rates, if they are consistent with the provisions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, upon receipt of the application from the concessionaire , asked the GDDKiA to consider circumstances that could change the AWSA’s proposal to increase the fee rate. In the position paper sent to the AWSA, we indicated doubts regarding the AWSA’s optimization strategy.”

In the same statement, GDDKiA states that rates on highways operated by the directorate have remained unchanged for years (rates of tolls on highways operated by GDDKiA have been set by regulation of the Minister of Transportation, Construction and Maritime Economy issued on April 25, 2012).

Traffic on A2 will move to empty roads?

In addition, as we’ve read, the administration is concerned that “the change in the toll rate may result in some traffic diverting to alternative routes to the A2 motorway, which is inconsistent with the role of motorways in the communications system.” According to GDDKiA, “The concessionaire, in determining the amount of the increase, did not take into account the exceptional economic conditions and the changing socio-economic situation during the pandemic.”

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