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high school years.  In the new expansion, Sims will go to high school and experience their crazy youth

high school years. In the new expansion, Sims will go to high school and experience their crazy youth

The Sims 4 is developing perfectly, so instead of announcing the fifth installment of the series, the developers from Maxis are preparing another big expansion for us, expanding the gameplay in their biggest success.

Soon The Sims 4 will have 8 full years on its back, during which time Electronic Arts and the Maxis Masters have taken us on many different journeys and adventures. We can go to college in The Sims 4: College Expansion, start our lives in the countryside thanks to the Country idyll, or expand our virtual family with a small pet in The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs.

Now, it’s time for the teens, as they will dedicate themselves to the addition planned for July 28 this year. In just over 3 weeks, downloadable content titled The Sims 4: High Years will debut on Origin, Steam, PS4, PS5 and Xbox Series X servers | S and Xbox One. It is an addition of the highest caliber, cost, depending on the store, PLN 169-179, but will offer a lot of new!

From now on, our teenage sim will be able to go to school, study lessons, go to extracurricular activities, make friends and first love, and even at the end of the year, he will go to school prom! The entire game will offer a lot of new content, and most of all, it’s the first time in history that The Sims has taken seriously the stage of children’s education – usually young people who have just gone to school and we’ve seen them a lot.

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