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Hockey World Cup: Surprising defeats for Canada and Russia

Hockey World Cup: Surprising defeats for Canada and Russia

The Canadians suffered their third defeat at the World Cup.

The Russian hockey team lost to Slovakia 1: 3 in the Group A match of the World Cup in Latvia on Monday. In Group B, the Canadians suffered a third defeat, unexpectedly dying 1: 3 to Germany.

After the victory, Slovakia leads Group A, while Russia falls to third place. The group is led by Germany, who has already won three.

In the first part of the tournament, 16 teams were divided into two groups. The top four will advance to the quarterfinals and continue to compete in the cup format.

Due to the epidemic, the championship was canceled last year and only the highest level of competition will be held in 2021. This means that no team will leave the elite, the same teams that will play in next year’s World Cup in Finland.

The last poles performed in the elite in 2002. They are currently in the third level of the game.

Wyniki poniedziałkowych meczów i tabele grup:

Grupa A:

Słowacja - Rosja     3:1 (0:0, 1:1, 2:0)
Czechy - Białoruś    3:2 (0:0, 2:1, 0:1, 1:0) po dogrywce

                   M  Z  P  Bramki Pkt
1. Słowacja        3  3  0   10-4  9
2. Szwajcaria      2  2  0    6-2  6
3. Rosja           3  2  1   12-7  6
4. Białoruś        3  1  2    5-8  4
5. Dania           2  1  1    4-4  3
6. Czechy          3  1  2    8-11 2
7. Szwecja         2  0  2    3-5  0
8. W. Brytania     2  0  2    2-9  0

Grupa B:

Łotwa - Włochy     3:0 (0:0, 1:0, 2:0)
Niemcy - Kanada    3:1 (2:1, 0:0, 1:0)

                 M  Z  P  Bramki Pkt

1. Niemcy        3  3  0   17-6  9
2. Łotwa         3  2  1    7-3  7
3. Kazachstan    2  2  0    5-3  4
4. Finlandia     2  1  1    3-3  4
5. USA           2  1  1    6-3  3
6. Norwegia      2  1  1    5-6  3
7. Kanada        3  0  3    2-10 0
8. Włochy        3  0  3    5-16 0

M.C., B.A.P.

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