All modern web browsers such as Google Chrome offer the user the option to save the passwords entered, so that he does not have to re-enter them when accessing the site on another occasion.
However, the ease of activating this option is more than simple Google Chrome To access our social networks or online subscription services more quickly, this tool can also be useful when we need to access our account on other devices.
Where are passwords saved in the Google Chrome browser?
Google Chrome stores passwords, as well as usernames, in an encrypted file called login data located in your user folder. For this reason, it is possible to restore or even delete items that you have forgotten. Follow the following steps:
- Click in the upper right corner of the browser. In the menu choose Settings
- Click on the section Autocomplete
- Then go to Saved passwords
- After that, a window will open in which you can see all the passwords stored in your browser
- Click the icon Show password To find out the password that you forgot.
Password manager
From this list, you can select the passwords you want me to remember Chrome Which ones you prefer not to store. In this sense, you can find out the credentials of any of your sessions on a social network or website. Of course, for security reasons, they’ll ask you for your Windows password before providing you with it.
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