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Is there a new (old) earthquake coming?  ESRB Rating Causes Earthquake!  •

Is there a new (old) earthquake coming? ESRB Rating Causes Earthquake! •

The QuakeCon schedule came up briefly last week, including a panel discussion on Quake featuring Machine Games (Wolfenstein).

After these first signs, now comes the next indication that we will learn more about Quake’s future by the end of this week.

ESRB, the American entertainment software rating body, has a title called Earthquake from Bethesda Softworks That is, it was given an M rating. It is not known exactly whether it was a reproduction or “merely” a rehash of the original.

The title in question is rated for Windows PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, Series and Switch consoles (thanks to Twitter user Nibellon)

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It is also Nibellon who draws attention to the fact that the beta branch of the Steam version of the original Quake was recently updated. This will be an indication that it is in the process of updating or remastering. On the other hand, a panel discussion spoke with the developer, who has already introduced Wolfenstein well into the modern era, in favor of a more comprehensive reworking of the classic baller game, which has long been cataloged in Germany.

I must say, I definitely prefer the latter option – not everyone liked Machine Games’ reinterpretation of Wolfenstein. But I loved both of them including The New Colossus, even if I have to admit that level design often pretends to open up more badly than right, then Youngblood was a bit off-putting.

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With a new project and a new freshness, these people can always be trusted to do anything again.

In the case of a re-release, it will also be interesting that the game is not only available for PC and Xbox, so Microsoft is not pulling the exclusive wildcard that has been in its pocket since the acquisition of Bethesda.

QuakeCon begins Friday, August 20.