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Jacek Sachin’s brother – in – law resigns from state – owned company

Jacek Sachin’s brother – in – law resigns from state – owned company

Jacek Sachin’s brother – in – law resigned from a state – owned company. It happened last Friday, Onet learned. “This is a personal decision of Ms. Angelica Konassuk,” says Andrzej Havril, president of Lublin Airport. A week ago, the port said the woman was not going to retire.

“This case has already been settled according to the Code of Businesses” – confirmed Andrzej Havriluk in an interview with Onet. Unofficially – according to the portal – Konask must have had the hatred that was recently poured on him in the media over the so-called Bais Sanaja resolution. Supported by Sachin, he decided to resign.

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After Paes adopted a resolution aimed at opposing unity, questions arose in the media about the life of Deputy Prime Minister Jesse Sachin’s brother – in – law. Angelica Konassuk – on the recommendation of the Voiceship Marshal (PIS) – sat on the airport supervisory board at Dublin.

Deputy Minister of State for Assets Andrzej Alvika will search the families of party activists in state-owned enterprises – On July 12, R.M.F. First of all, olive oil is not just a list of people who can thank relatives, it is a thank you for their talents.

In early July, law and justice politicians adopted a resolution against unity during the conference: it stipulates that spouses, children, siblings and parents of senators and senators should not sit on the oversight boards of state-owned enterprises.

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However, the resolution makes an exception: “This restriction does not apply to those who have worked / worked in state treasury structures” due to the skills, professional experience and at the same time (in their case – RMF) experience of the state treasury. Extraordinary living conditions “.

As PICE leader Jarosva Kokzyaski explained, such an “extraordinary living situation” may necessitate the relocation of the entire family to the capital after one of its members accepts the deputy or senator’s order.