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Jason Momova and Patrick Wilson were filmed behind the scenes of the second Aquaman.  Set work completed

Jason Momova and Patrick Wilson were filmed behind the scenes of the second Aquaman. Set work completed

Although Jason Momova A month ago, he announced that the shooting of the film was over.Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom”In the package of the show, there must have been extra work in the last few weeks. In Hawaii, where part of the film was filmed, we just got official confirmation that it finally fell The last room. Ahead of the final stages of production, the director James Vaughn | Posted a new photo on the internet.

In the photo you will see the director and the duo of the main movie stars. Momova Appeared in the photo at the company Patrick WilsonWho will return “The Lost Kingdom” As Ocean Master. At the entrance, Vaughan thanked the entire team for implementing the show. See below.

Let us remind you that it still exists at this time Not much is known about the plot details Continuation “AquamanaThe sequel will definitely take us back The underwater kingdom of AtlantisLocated at The deepest part of the ocean world. In the second part of the show, the protagonist, Arthur Curry, takes a seat On the throne of the once lost empire.

Last SeptemberWhen the shooting only took three months, Momova Talked about the sequel from the first film of the series in relation to its uniqueness. Impersonator in the role King of Atlantis The director of the project confirmed the latest announcement that it was a continuation of the success that existed three years ago Would be a film with a slightly different overview.

At this point, I have the impression that we are using the full potential of this endeavor. We all learned that from the very first film. (…) You know, I laughed when I read the script. There is a lot of fun in it, but there is still a lot of heart, there is more risk.

In the second main cast “Aquamana“Are located Momova Such as Title Hero, Amber Hert Such as Mera, Wilson As mentioned earlier Ocean Master, Yahya Abdul-Madin II Such as Black herd, And Dolph Lundgren Impersonation நெருசா. He will also repeat his role in the film Randall Park As returned Dr. Stephen Shin, A scientist obsessed with discovery Atlanticity. The new heroes played with others Saw Aspak Known for his character Eurona Grejoya வ “Sports Throne“, And Johnny Zhao, India Moore I Vincent Reagan.

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The film is about to come to the screen December 16.

Source: CBR / Photo. Warner Bros.