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Joe Biden drinks tea with Queen Elizabeth in Windsor

Joe Biden drinks tea with Queen Elizabeth in Windsor

The British Queen has met 13 of the 14 presidents of the United States: from Truman to Trump.

Just missed Lyndon Johnson. Thus, meeting Joe Biden becomes like another day at work for the British monarch.

But for an American president, the Queen’s state visit at Windsor Castle is always a big deal.

Opinion polls show in the United States Regularly that Americans, regardless of party affiliation, love the British royal family better than their politicians. Even a president as popular as Barack Obama has been less popular in the United States than the British Queen. And after all, the Americans made great efforts to overthrow the once British monarchy.

Joe Biden did meet the British Queen on Friday in connection with the G7 meeting in Cornwall in southwest England. But now on Sunday there will be official tea at the castle in Windsor. It’s all part of a planned British witchcraft attack after Brexit.

The UK is looking for a trade agreement with the US, and it is understood in the short term that the border will open between the two countries. And on Friday, wives were posed to not only the Queen but also Prince Charles and Prince William.

The UK is looking for a trade agreement with the US, and it is understood in the short term that the border will open between the two countries. And on Friday, wives were posed to not only the Queen but also Prince Charles and Prince William.

The message from the British government Want to send to the world is that Britain “returned”. Well, Brexit may still create major problems for trade, and the demands for independence in Scotland have yet to fade.

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British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab believes that the outside world has

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab believes the outside world has “bias” against the country after Brexit.

Photo: Niklas Hallen/TT

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab spoke before the G7 meeting of the “preconceptions” that he feels still exist against the country internationally. He told The Atlantic that many, in his opinion, “associated” Brexit with “many other phenomena”. He was referring to things like Donald Trump and right-wing European nationalist parties.

Dominic Raab said Brexit is not about this kind of nationalism or xenophobia. And now at the G7 summit, Britain has a chance to show that to the world.

Not least for Boris Johnson The climate crisis is a major issue here. Not only is it an undeniably good thing if we can save the world from climate catastrophe. But also because it gives him politically an opportunity to rediscover himself on the world stage.

And when it comes to the issue of climate in particular, it is easy to find support in the British royal family. The Queen is 95 years old and her son Prince Charles is officially taking on a bigger and bigger role. Prince Charles in particular has also been involved in environmental issues for decades. According to Tatler, he was so excited when Joe Biden became president because of the openness to the climate that the prince immediately wanted to hop on a plane to Washington.

But of course it didn’t work.

According to the minutes, the rest of the royal family cannot meet with Joe Biden until the Queen does.

But the Queen has met him now.

Read more:

Karen Ericson: Few think Biden is arrogant or dangerous

Queen Elizabeth: Do you seem to be having a good time?