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Jordan Sarro’s relatives stand behind the Altiligérien rider for his race on Monday

Jordan Sarro’s relatives stand behind the Altiligérien rider for his race on Monday

Will Jordan Saro come home with a (gold) medal?! On Monday morning, the cyclist, originally from Monistrol-sur-Loire in Haute-Loire, entered the Tokyo Olympics. The cross-country mountain bike race starts at 8:00 French time. Altiligérien, the world mountain bike champion in 2020, is hoping to win his first Olympic medal on Monday.

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A proven track record that gives confidence to the Saroo family

“I am sure !” Jean-Louis Sarro, Jordan’s father, is his son’s first and biggest fan. “For years, Jordan has persevered and developed and every year has been able to find the little trick to progress” His father continues. Jordan Srow crowned the 2020 Mountain Bike World Champion, “The Holy Grail of Titles” For the family of the Altiligérien cyclist who She has a total of nine medals at MTB Worlds. Jean-Louis Sarro does not hide the appreciation he has for his son: “Let’s know that today at the Tokyo Olympics, we are very, very proud!”

It’s all behind Jordan Sarro at Monistrol-sur-Loire

Although Jordan’s parents are still very frustrated at not being by their son’s side in Tokyo, they are not broken up and will be supporting Jordan on Monday morning. His family, as well as his fans, cycling club, neighbours, residents and elected officials of Monistrol-sur-Loire will Meet at Le Manago brewery to watch the race livewhich begins at eight o’clock.

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