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Minister Jorneck wrote a letter to school principals

Minister Jorneck wrote a letter to school principals

As part of the program, schools will be sponsored trips to museums, memorial sites, cultural sites and institutions promoting science. A total of PLN 15 million is planned to fund the project in 2021.

Displacement will be used under the “Know Poland” program to cover travel, admission tickets, guides, accommodation, food, and travel participants’ insurance costs. The school will receive a grant of up to 80 percent. Planned costs of the trip: one day (up to PLN 5 thousand), two days (up to PLN 10 thousand) and three days (up to PLN 15 thousand).

The call for applications will continue from September 6, 2021 until September 30, 2021 or until the funds are exhausted (the date of submission of the application to finance the trip will be decisive) – the Ministry of Education and Science insists.

Jarnek on Patriotic Education

“I want to assure you that the idea of ​​broad-minded patriotic education is very close to me. I firmly believe that the youth who will determine the fate of our country in the future will learn Polish culture, respect the language and, above all, the national heritage,” Know Poland “program – Minister Presmiza Carnegie wrote in a letter to school principals and teachers.

The President of MEiN introduced the project’s assumptions and encouraged teachers and students to participate in the program. He stressed that this was the first project to support patriotic education to that extent.

“Thanks to the funds of the project, young people will be able to discover important places and events related to the history of Poland, which is important for our memory and collective identity. The way they can directly experience the past and discover it in an interesting way” – said Jarnek.

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