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More than 150,000 Podlasie taxpayers have not submitted the annual PIT declaration.  What now?

More than 150,000 Podlasie taxpayers have not submitted the annual PIT declaration. What now?

PIT announcements must be submitted by May. It turns out that many taxpayers did not. Will they have any consequences?

More than 150,000 Podlasie taxpayers have not submitted the annual PIT declaration.  What now?

foot: Podlaska Cas

As many as 158 thousand Podlaskie taxpayers did not file their annual income tax declaration. However, they can sleep peacefully without experiencing any consequences. On May 2, KAS automatically accepted their certificate.

According to preliminary summaries, tax offices in Podlasky received about 550 thousand zlotys this year. A PIT affidavit, approximately 496 (up to 90%) were submitted electronically.

We are pleased that taxpayers have eagerly used, as in previous years, the electronic form of income tax filing. This was the predominant method of settlements for 2021, allowing you to easily settle tax without leaving your home. This year, it was possible to do this for the fourth time, using the easy-to-use e-PIT service available at the Electronic Tax Office, where KAS prepared pre-filled initial earnings for most taxpayers – reports Radosław Hancewicz, press KAS spokesperson Podlasie.

Taxpayers can also use the e-Deklaracje system. There, those interested can fill out their certificate and submit it electronically to KAS. Electronic settlement has many advantages. This can be done at any time and at any time, and the taxpayer receives excess taxes faster. Tax offices have 45 days to return excess tax returns filed online, while in the case of tax returns, it is 90 days.

Interestingly enough, many people did not submit their returns at all.

– They could have done this because your e-PIT service, in which we automatically prepare pre-filled PIT-37 and PIT-38 declarations, automatically accepts these returns and sends them to tax offices after the deadline for submission. Last year, this function was used by 127 thousand. Taxpayers of the province Podlasie. To taxpayers whose returns are automatically settled and who will have to pay an additional annual tax, the tax office will send information about the amount to be paid with an attached individual tax account for which the missing tax must be paid – explains Hancewicz.

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The procedure for returning overpayments in PIT is still ongoing. To date, Podlaskie offices have returned taxpayers approximately 306 million PLN.