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Opens the doors for sending Swedish soldiers to Ukraine

Opens the doors for sending Swedish soldiers to Ukraine

Opens the doors for sending Swedish soldiers to Ukraine

Sweden should be open to sending troops to Ukraine.

Simona Mohmsson, the Liberal Party's chief policy officer, thinks so.

“Go all in”

Mohamsson, the third name of the Liberals in the EU elections, believes that Sweden and the European Union should send a clear signal to Russia.

There must also be parties ready to do everything. This means that the European Union may also have to send “ground forces on the ground” to intervene “with everything it can.”

This is what politician L says to SvD.

Front-line soldiers are not excluded

According to Mohamsson, soldiers should not be sent primarily to the front, but to western Ukraine.

The politician asserts that the troops will act as a deterrent against Russia, but they could also help with relief and training of Ukrainian soldiers.

– If the Russians then provoke, it is not us who started anything, she told the newspaper.

When asked whether it was possible to send soldiers to the front, Siomna Mohamsun replied that Ukraine was not currently demanding such a measure, but it could not be “ruled out” that the situation would change.

Opens for the EU Tour

Politician L primarily wants to send ground troops to Ukraine as part of a joint EU effort, but if that doesn't work, she is open to other options.

Mohamsson suggests that Sweden could send ground forces in a joint project with other “like-minded countries”.

– I do not close the door because, with like-minded countries, we do it anyway, she told SvD.

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The Foreign Minister says no

Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström confirmed that Sweden does not intend to send soldiers to Ukraine.

In March, Billstrom confirmed that there are other ways to support Ukraine other than on the ground. Among other things, he spoke about the importance of organizing the training of Ukrainian forces outside Ukraine, in which Sweden stood out.

– We have to do more, of course. But this does not necessarily mean that we have to do it on Ukrainian territory. The Foreign Minister told German DW: We can achieve a lot outside Ukraine as well.

Photo: Joel Thongren Armed Forces

Text: Editors