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Oscars 2022. Will Smith slaps Chris Rock.  Exchange interrupted

Oscars 2022. Will Smith slaps Chris Rock. Exchange interrupted

Will Smith won his first Oscar for his role in “King Richard”. However, what was most widely commented on at the 94th Festival event was not the actor’s success, but his behavior a few dozen minutes ago. After Chris Rock made fun of the scene about Will Smith’s wife, Will Smith got up from his seat and slapped the comedian. Broadcasting on American television was temporarily suspended.

Chris Rock Asked to present the winner in the “Best Documentary” category. The comedian got the chance to make some jokes about those who came to the gala. He focused on the famous couple: Rock said that even if Javier Bartome won the Oscar and Penelope Cruz did not get it, their house would not be “so beautiful”.

See: Oscar 2022. Will Smith Best Lead Actor. Polish film without statue

Another joke on the wife Villa Smith – I’m going to Pinkett-Smith. Commenting on the actress’ shaved head, he assured that he is looking forward to the movie “GI Jane 2”. Pinkett-Smith suffers from alopecia areata, which he admitted last year.

Chris Rock vs. Will Smith. “Best Night in Television History”

Will Smith did not like the joke that he decided to justify himself – he entered the stage and then hit Chris Rock in the face. American television interrupted the gala broadcast for a while, but the audience from other parts of the world – including. Australia and Japan – they were able to see the continuation of the fight.

Will Smith just hit me Sirs Rock tried to make fun of him. “Don’t say my wife’s name with your mouth,” the actor replied, shouting from the audience.

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This is the best night in the history of television The comedian tried to defuse the tension.

Full records of the incident were posted on social media. The most popular ones were viewed more than 20 million times on Twitter.

Will Smith is the best actor. He apologized from the scene

Kala’s commentators say the move may have been “set” to boost the prestige of the 94th Academy Awards. However, “behind the scenes” recordings confirm the authenticity of the incident. During the business break, Smith can be seen promising Denzel by Washington and Tyler Perry.

Smith was also embarrassed when he received the statue for Best Leading Actor. First, he thanked the cast of the film “King Richard” and finally apologized to the academy members and those gathered in the room for their behavior. – I hope the academy will call me one day – He said briefly.

The 94th Academy Awards were held on Sunday night, Polish time. Smith received the statue for Best Leading Actor Jessica Chastain – Best Actress in a Leading Role for her role in “The Eyes of Tommy Fey”. “Koda”, director. Hey HederaAnd not a brick favorite – “Psie Claws” Jane Campion. Gambian received the Statue for Best Director.

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