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Outriders Worldslayer with full presentation.  The end of the game, gameplay and new systems

Outriders Worldslayer with full presentation. The end of the game, gameplay and new systems

People Can Fly are gearing up for the big premiere of Outriders Worldslayer, so today we got a presentation of a massive expansion pack. The creators demonstrated the “enormous development of Outriders”, thanks to which many players will be happy to return to the servers.

Outriders came out last year, and People Can Fly is finally ready to invite players to the game’s first major expansion pack. Outriders Worldslayer will debut on June 30th, so those interested can count down the days of the premiere to check out a number of news soon.

Here’s what Partek Kumita, Creative Director of Outriders and People Can Fly, said about Outriders Worldslayer.

“At WORLDSLAYER, we wanted to create a new experience that would expand everything players enjoyed on the original OUTRIDERS. The new and exciting WORLDSLAYER story connects directly to the end-game of the campaign and prepares us for the Tarya Gratar experience. The post-campaign game combines new and improved features with WORLDSLAYER and gives our more advanced players an experience Satisfactory with hundreds of hours of great progress.”

In Outriders Worldslayer, we can easily follow the game from the base or use buffs to immediately jump to level 30 and be able to experience the full content of the expansion.

In Outriders Worldslayer, we will check out the diverse and brutal planet of Enoch, where new challenges await the daredevils, and the list of new products cannot miss previously unavailable competitors or powerful bosses.

“The Tarya Gratar Experience is made with the recurring challenge in mind, and it resets and starts over if you pass, miss, or simply die multiple times. Every time you go back to the start, you get more power and are better equipped to succeed on the next attempt.”

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