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Per Poland participates in a discussion at the United Nations to raise ambitions on COP26

In less than a week, negotiations will begin at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. The climate commitments announced so far by the world’s countries are not enough to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. To put more pressure on countries to make more ambitious commitments, the United Nations is holding a debate on climate action. Deputy Prime Minister Per Poland represents Sweden in the debate with a digital speech.

The world is going through a severe climate crisis and all countries must reduce their climate impact in order to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. On October 26, the United Nations Secretariat will hold a thematic discussion to discuss the top priorities of the countries of the world to meet in Glasgow in the first two weeks of November.

Sweden must be a leader in climate change. More countries need to see opportunities with necessary climate investments, for example in transport and energy infrastructure. We need to make these adjustments to achieve the 1.5 degree goal. Per Bolund, Minister of Environment and Climate and Deputy Prime Minister, says Sweden must show that change is not only possible, but that it provides significant benefits to countries and companies that have dared to take the lead.

The purpose of the discussion is to continue preparations for COP 26 in Glasgow, which will begin in less than a week. It is important to update and accelerate climate action, at least for the G20 countries, in order to achieve the 1.5 degree target and ensure that climate change remains a high priority on the international agenda.

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