The maximum for Perseid is Thursday, August 12, but meteor showers can be observed from Earth around this date. Astronomical excursions are organized in different places in Poland, although you do not have to go there to see unique phenomena in the sky.

Maximum Perseid early next week

Perseids are colloquially referred to as shooting stars. These meteorites fall into groups of several or dozens of bodies within a few minutes. Their swarm has been known since antiquity, but is now known to be associated with Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.

Perseid activity occurs between July 17 and August 24. However, the maximum, during which it is possible to count up to 110 pieces of falling objects per hour, falls The night of August 12/13. These dates are sometimes referred to as Shooting Stars Nights. Every year, many institutions and organizations invite you to astronomical picnics, sky shows or lectures. This year there may be fewer such events due to the pandemic.

However, each of us can search for a shooting star on our own, because you do not need specialized equipment. A little luck will come in handy for this because The sky must be clear. A very thin layer of clouds will only limit the number of phenomena we see, but high cloud cover can completely prevent us from seeing the Perseids. If you want to see falling stars, it is worth going somewhere that is free from artificial light, tall buildings and trees.

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In the case of poor conditions for observing the sky, an alternative might be a suggestion from the Copernicus Science Center. August 12th starts at 21:00 Online broadcastingDuring which you will be able to monitor the Perseids. Similar initiatives, incl. Many astronomy enthusiasts plan to organize on YouTube.

Source: Science in PolandzdMain language: Getty Images

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Matthews Nowak

Student of journalism and social communication, interested in new technologies, as well as social and political issues. In his spare time, he reads and listens to music (mainly hip-hop) or works out in the gym.