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Pope on the Day of Pentecost: Let us invoke the Holy Spirit every day

Pope on the Day of Pentecost: Let us invoke the Holy Spirit every day

In his homily on Pentecost, Pope Francis called daily for the invocation of the Holy Spirit who gives “harmony to the world” and “rules the passage of time and renews the face of the earth.”

Charlotta Smedes – Vatican City

At the Pentecost mass celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica on Sunday, Pope Francis highlighted in his sermon how the Holy Spirit works in the world he created, in the Church and in our hearts, creating order and harmony in all areas.

“This is the role of the Holy Spirit: in the beginning and at all times his created actions pass from disorder to order, from division to coherence, from confusion to harmony.”

The Holy Spirit brings harmony and peace

By bringing harmony to the world, the Pope explained, the Holy Spirit “directs the course of time and renews the face of the earth.” And our world today, which is marked by discord and division, is in dire need of this harmony, which he opposes, he lamented, noting that although we are very “connected”, we are actually more disconnected from each other and “numb with indifference”.

The Pope pointed out that the numerous wars and conflicts that we are witnessing today show the extent of what evil people can commit, hostilities fueled by the spirit of division and the devil, which means “barrier”.

But to counter this evil of discord, the Pope explained how the Lord at the pinnacle of salvation poured out His Good Spirit to give us the harmony we need for true peace. He stressed that the Holy Spirit brings harmony as “the spirit of unity, the bringer of peace.”

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“Let us invoke the Holy Spirit daily throughout our world!”

Harmony in diversity

Reflecting on how the Holy Spirit works in the Church, starting from Pentecost, the Pope described how the Spirit descended on each Apostle, endowing each of them with a special grace and unique charisma. And while one might think that these different gifts could create confusion, in fact, as in the created world, “the Holy Spirit loves to create harmony out of diversity.”

“The harmony of the Holy Spirit is not a uniform obligatory order; order already exists in the Church, but it is “ordered according to the diversity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit” “

The Pope recalls how on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended in tongues of fire, so that every messenger could speak in other languages ​​to others who could hear and understand him. He explained how the Holy Spirit uses many languages ​​and does not eliminate differences or cultures, “but harmonizes all things without reducing them to a gentle uniformity.”

Yes, on the day of Pentecost, the Bible affirms that “all were filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4). And all were filled: thus began the life of the Church, and not from a precise and detailed scheme, but through the common experience of God’s love. Thus Spirit creates harmony; it invites us to experience the wonder of His love and gifts in others.”

Referring to the upcoming Synod, the Pope said that this event should represent a “journey according to the Holy Spirit” and above all “an opportunity to be led by the breath of the Spirit” because it is “the heart of the congregation, the driving force for evangelization”.

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“Without the Holy Spirit, the Church is lifeless, faith is nothing but dogma, morality only duty, and pastoral work only hard. With him, on the other hand, faith is life, the love of the Lord convinces us and hope is reborn. Let us keep the Holy Spirit in the midst of the Church.” “.

Harmony is in our hearts

In conclusion, the Pope explained how the Holy Spirit “restores harmony of the heart” when it creates “an intimacy with God.” The Lord gave his soul “for the forgiveness of sins, the reconciliation of minds, the reconciliation of hearts wounded by evil, broken by wounds, and deluded with guilt.”

“If we want peace, let us seek it, rather than worldly alternatives. Let us call upon the Holy Spirit every day. Let us begin our day by praying to Him. Let us obey Him!”

The Pope urged us to examine our lives and ask if we are open to the harmony of the soul, or if we are resisting conversion by clinging to our own selfishness and ideas. Are we quick to judge others, do we overlook our own weaknesses, or do we seek to promote reconciliation and community building? To overcome our divisions, the Pope urged us to “invoke the Holy Spirit,” and entrust the world, the Church and our hearts to the Holy Spirit, Jesus and the Spirit of the Father, the inexhaustible source of peace.

“Come, Creator, peace of mankind, renew the face of the earth. Come, gift of gifts, harmony of the Church, make us one in you. Come, spirit of forgiveness and peace of heart, change us as only you can, through the intercession of Mary.”

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