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Report: Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is on the right track

Report: Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is on the right track

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 continues to be awaited. Some expected a new promo or at least a teaser for the game’s prizes, but there was nothing new to see.

But that should not bother you, because development is going well and in general we are looking forward to an “exciting” 2022 at Nintendo.

Nintendo is up to something

At least that’s what IGN’s Bear Schneider said in the latest notation (via GamesRadar).

“It looks like Nintendo will have a very good year next year,” he says. “I wish there were no great things [bei den Game Awards] Don’t take it as a sign that Breath of the Wild might be delayed or that they don’t have other things, because it seems like… the people at Nintendo are very excited about 2022.”

In addition to the Breath of the Wild sequel, Pokémon Legends is also available for next year: Arceus, Bayonetta 3, Advance Wars 1 + 2 Re-Boot Camp, Splatoon 3, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope announced and Triangle Strategy and Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

Recently, Nintendo released a new trailer for the game in June.

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Notes on new game mechanics

Meanwhile, three new Nintendo patents give us a glimpse into what new capabilities Link might have in the sequel.

These three patents (via gaming reactor) various skills, eg the rewind feature that Link uses to manipulate the environment. This means that the time course of the entire environment is not reversed, only the path of one object is reversed.

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The second patent relates to a skill that allows Link to climb, cross the ceiling, and climb out onto the upper level. The surface should not be too steep and there should be no obstructions.

Patent number three relates again to the association in free fall. It seems that he can take different positions here and shoot opponents.

No specific date has yet been set for the game, which will eventually not be called Breath of the Wild 2.