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Rinwell & Kisara appeared in new character trailers

Rinwell & Kisara appeared in new character trailers

Tales of Arise: Rinwell & Kisara appeared in new character trailers

In order to introduce us to the world of “Tales of Arise” and its inhabitants, Bandai Namco Entertainment has provided us with various character trailers over the past few weeks.

Warriors have been brought to us two thousandAnd chun And Law. Shortly before the start of the weekend, the people responsible for Bandai Namco Entertainment had another trailer for their “Tales of Arise” jump character. This time, a young Renuel who relies on her magical abilities in battle can be seen attacking her opponents from a safe distance.

Al-Dahna’s Desperate Struggle for Freedom

The story “Tales of Rising” transports you to a solar system where the inhabitants of the planet of fatness wage a desperate struggle for freedom. The Fat has been ruled by Rina for over 300 years, who oppress the natives of the Fat with an iron fist while ruthlessly exploiting the planet’s precious resources.

about this subject: Tales of Arise: Instinctive combat system and more realistic character animation

“This story follows the struggle to liberate the Dahians from their destiny and shows through the eyes of Alvin, the masked Dahni who fights to free his people, and Chion, a girl from Rina, fleeing from her natives. On their journey, they are accompanied by various characters, such as Rinwell and Law, who aid them in their struggle for the Freedom,” the role-playing game story continues.

“Tales of Arise” will be released on September 10, 2021 for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Update: A trailer suitable for Kisara is now also available.

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More news about Tales of Arise.

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