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Russian superiority on the front: “disturbing” |  the world

Russian superiority on the front: “disturbing” | the world

Oberstelöjtnant Joachim Pasikevi.

picture: Anders J. Warren / Defense University

A Ukrainian soldier fires a D-20 artillery shell in Kobyansk.

picture: Madeleine Kelly/Zuma Press TT

The Russian occupation force continues its attacks on Ukrainian defense lines in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine.

Although the territorial gains made by the Russians have been small, they are continuing their attacks along the front line in the east.

Ukrainian Colonel-General Oleksandr Sersky came out on Thursday and warned of the situation, which he described as “difficult.” Reports Independent Kyiv.

According to Sersky, Russia is trying to expel Ukrainian forces from the Kubyansk Forest in the Kharkiv region to seize the village of Sinkivka. The goal is to completely isolate the city of Kobgansk.

– Despite the large-scale offensive attacks of the enemy, our soldiers firmly maintain the defense lines in all directions, says Oleksandr Sirsky.

Pasikivi: “Very embarrassing”

Överstelöjtnant Joakim Paasikivi is right in i Syrskyjs bedemning. Risk professionals believe they have a comprehensive artillery and initiatives in the region.

– Joachim Pasikevi says it is very difficult.

Although Ukrainian defense positions are well developed, the situation is now complicated by a lack of international support, cold winter weather and the fact that more Russian troops are being sent to the front.

– Can you send Russian soldiers and vehicles to destroy Ukrainian outposts? Yes, maybe, he says.

This could force Ukraine to regroup and retreat. But they will not do so until there are major tactical reasons to do so. Then it may happen that you regroup into a ready rear defense line.

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However, he is skeptical about whether Russian tactical gains, which are generally small, can lead to operational breakthroughs.

– I don't think so, and it is not clear whether the Russians themselves think so.

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