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Sejm for the second term of Adam Glapiński.  First such situation in 24 years – Biznes Wprost

Sejm for the second term of Adam Glapiński. First such situation in 24 years – Biznes Wprost

By decision of the deputies, Adam Glapinski will serve as Chairman of the National Bank of Poland (NBP) for the second time over the next six years. 234 deputies voted “in favor” of appointing the president of the republic for the next session, and 223 deputies opposed it, and no one abstained from voting.

Let us remind you that Glapiński’s first six-year term as head of NBP ends on June 21 this year. In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, a person nominated by the President of the Republic of Poland may be elected President of the NBP. The nomination must then be approved by Seym. As in the case of the office of the president, the head of the NBP may hold this office for no more than two terms.

President Andrzej Duda’s order has been waiting since January

President Andrzej Duda put forward a proposal to appoint Adam Glapinsky as head of the National Petroleum Corporation for a second term at the end of January this year. – First of all, the President is making a positive assessment of President Glapinsky’s actions, which were aimed at reducing the economic effects of the epidemic Then he said. Bowie Szroth, Chief of Staff of President Andrzej Duda.

In mid-April, Glapiński’s nomination was supported by the House Public Finance Committee. It seemed then that the election of deputies would be a formality, while the vote on this issue was postponed, which was most likely related to the lack of sufficient support among the parliamentary majority of the incumbent party leader.

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The first such case in nearly 25 years

Adam Glapinski is the first central bank president since Hanna Gronkewicz-Waltz to be elected to a second term. Gronkewicz-Waltz, who had been president of the National Bank of Poland since 1992, was re-elected by the Chamber of Deputies six years later. However, she did not complete her second term, since at the beginning of 2001 she was elected Vice-President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. She was replaced in the position of head of the NBP by Leszek Balcerowicz, who after 6 years had no chance of supporting the parliamentary majority that PiS had for the first time (along with Samoobrona and LPR), as was the case with Marek Belka almost a decade later, who also ended his first term in times when Jaroslaw Kaczynski’s party was in power (between Balcerowicz and Belka, the head of the NBP was Sławomir Skrzypek, who died in the Smolensk disaster on 10 April 2010).

Meanwhile, a recent United Surveys poll of RMF FM and Dziennik Gazeta Prawna showed that only 19 percent. Poles support Adam Glapinski’s re-election as NBP president. As many as 71 percent of respondents would like to change the head of the central bank.

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NBP earnings. Adam Glapinsky on ‘Attack’: One politician, God bless, is in the lead on this