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Sim change!  The payer collects an income tax advance payment without reducing the free amount by 425 PLN every month?  Now you can fix it yourself [27.02.2022]

Sim change! The payer collects an income tax advance payment without reducing the free amount by 425 PLN every month? Now you can fix it yourself [27.02.2022]

Important change in tax regulations! If you submit your PIT-2 not only before the first payment in a given year, but at any time, the salary you receive will automatically increase by 425 PLN. This is 1/12 of the amount of PLN 5100, since this is the amount of tax on the free amount of PLN 30,000 as in personal income tax applicable from January 1, 2022.

Under applicable provisions, PIT-2 can only be submitted before the first payment of the award in a given tax year.

If the taxpayer did not, the employer set the tax withholding tax and not deduct 1/12 of the free amount, so the net payment was lower. This provision is intended to avoid a situation in which a person receives income in several places from contracts in which he is not obligated to pay withholding tax himself, because the provisions impose this obligation on the employer-payer. This may lower the advance payments on tax earnings, and only as part of the annual tax return will the taxpayer refund twice or even wrongly deduct multiple times when the tax advance is set.

If, due to lack of knowledge or any other reason, someone does not authorize (by filing a PIT-2) the payer to reduce the tax advance by 1/12 of the free amount, for a longer period of time the net pay is lower than it could be, and only after settlement Annual cashback for overpaid advances. Only once a year, before receiving the first payment, it was possible to fix it by sending a PIT-2.

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Now, as part of the Polish tax order reform, the Chamber of Deputies has changed this provision by passing a relevant law on February 24 – and it is currently awaiting the president’s signature.